With the articles I have found I am hoping to establish a connection between why I developed a sort of masochistic tendency to be busy with coping with new responsibilities. I also hope to look into my practices that I use to “de-stress” and how I can streamline these practices to possible make them more efficient.
Kelly, W. (2002). No time to worry: the relationship between worry, time structure, and time management. Personality and Individual Differences, 35: 1119-1126 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V9F-488G1P0-3&_user=10&_origUdi=B6WYD-46X44JH-1M&_fmt=high&_coverDate=10%2F31%2F2003&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_origin=article&_zone=related_art&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=952fe3e18714037a5c150de5ace106c9 Felsten, G. (2004). Stress reactivity and vulnerability to depressed mood in college students. Personality and Individual Differences, 36:789-800