In order to understand the relationship between stress, anxiety, habits and phobias, it is necessary to first define what each one is and how it affects us.
Stress is a condition that most of us have experienced throughout our lives and in the main it is a positive emotion and it can help us to become motivated reaching our potential positively and productively. However, stress can also manifest itself in a negative and weakening way whereby the individual becomes overwhelmed and the balance that would normally achieve positive behaviours and actions becomes skewed - the very opposite can happen - where we are affected in a debilitating way, unable to cope with day to day actions and demands. (Module 5 notes)
Feelings of stress come from any situation in which we feel frustrated, angry or anxious and where there is a fear or a change that will take place. Stress is the result of changes that take place in your body when you are faced with a threat. This is the body's built in survival method also know as Fight or Flight. The subconscious is responsible for our survival and is does this by creating the fight or flight mechanism in us in situations where we feel threatened or when we feel threatened. In situations of fear or change we have to decide if we run away or fight. (Module 5 notes)
There are 6 different types of stress:
Hypostress – when the person is bored or unchallenged and lacking in motivation. An example of when this can manifest is if the person is doing a repetitive job and finds it difficult to be motivated in other areas of their lives.
Eustress – short term positive stress that gives us the strength and motivation we need to complete a task. It occurs when we have increased our physical activity and creativity and it is positive Acute Stress – negative stress. It is felt through tension and