Discuss the Relationship Between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Phobias and Describe How You Would Treat These Issues with Hypnotherapy.
tress and anxiety are caused by the response we have to challenging situations, situations where there is a perceived or real threat to our physical self, mental well being or perhaps our environment, lifestyle, family, job etc. Different people experience stress or anxiety for different reasons and deal or fail to deal with increased stress or anxiety levels in different ways. The feeling of stress or anxiety is our bodies reaction to fear or change – flight, fight or freeze. We feel stress or anxiety as a mechanism for avoiding dangerous situations in life ( i.e. – when predators approach) hormones flood our system preparing us to stand and defend ourselves, fight, or run away, social “rules “ prevent us from actually hitting someone or running away from a bullying boss at work and the excess of the hormones in our system drive the body into overdrive with no release causing many of the physical symptoms we experience at a moment of stress or anxiety.
However, we need a certain amount of “stress” to motivate us to do things, for example additional stress experienced because a father may need more money for better schooling may be the motivator for him to get a higher paid job, or work longer hours. However chronic stress (constant stress over along period of time) is responsible for many emotional and physical difficulties, Failure to earn more money or find a better job may lead to financial hardship and feelings of failure , a lack of self worth, leading to depression, drinking and ill effect on his health.
“Fear is the fear of being scared – nothing to fear but fear itself”
Fear is at the bottom of stress, fear of change, failure abandonment , if we as therapists can find out what is the patients greatest fear we can then find out the real reason for the stress and help them deal with than. It may be that a person feels stress – fearful of something without knowing what is the root cause of the fearfulness.
So , the definition of Stress,