Angie Rodriguez
Physiological Psychology | PSY350 A03
Faculty: Courtney McKinney
November 3, 2014
As stress we all know is a normal physical response to events that give us the feeling of threatned or a unbalance in the mind. Whether, it is danger we fear or if it is real living events the way the body reacts to stress it automatically high gears in a fast, way that it process what we recall as
“fight-or-fight” the way reaction is towards stress. Stressors are agents that up lift the body of stress. Several techniques are utilized to lowrer stressor which are enactive, proactive, and reactive. The way the body response to stress means this is the way the body protects us from fear. Stress worked in a correct helps us focus, stay energetic , and remain alert.
Stress events currently happening in my life My life has been a road of happiness, sadness and overall full of sense of tension, we alll need to learn to move through it. Meaning learning to move along and leave it behind if there is no solution. I suffer from stressing the things I can not change. For example, I stress so much my school work being submitted on time. The fact that I work a full-time job with a law office it is highly demanding of me. I have to assist in typing so many correspondence that I catch myself not even having the time to take my lunch hour. Sometimes I myself get home have to cook and by 8:00 p.m. is when I have the time to long in to schoool. I try my best to organize myself a bit more promptley but, it is so hard. It is become more and more stressful for me that my academic grades are falling behind due to not enough time in the day.
1. Describe the physiological changes in the brain that occur due to the stress response.
The activation of the brain that stress causes to elevate is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrental (HPA) system. The different types of changes that occur in the brain are the following:
i. Steriod
References: 1. Hall AM, Kamper SJ, Maher CG, et al. Symptoms of depression and stress mediate the effect of pain on disability. Pain. 2011;152(5):1044-51. 2. Chiesa A. Serretti A. Mindfulness-based stress reduction for stress management in healthy people: a review and meta-analysis. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE). 2010. 3. Gold, P. E., van Buskirk, R. B., & McGaugh, J. L. (1975). Effects of hormones on time-dependent memory storage processes. Progressive Brain Research, 42, 210–211. 4. Lupien, S. J., Gaudreau, S.,Tchiteya,B.M.,Maheu,F., Sharma, S., Nair, 5. N. P., et al. (1997). Stress-induced declarative memory impairment in healthy elderly subjects: Relationship to cortisolreactivity.The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 82(7), 2070–2075. 6. Maddi. S. and Kobasa, S.C. 1984. The hardy executive: Health under stress. Homewood, IL: Down Jones-Irwin.