For Homo Sapiens, meaning wise man, stress; defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures, has allowed humans to stay alive in the delicate moments of evolution. That's why we’re still here! It is an adaptation trait that has allowed to our early ancestors to survive. For example, when chimpanzees (that share 99 percent of our genetic sequence) are confronted with danger, like being spotted by a hungry tiger, their bodies automatically switch to the “fight-or-flight response” . Where instantaneously, the peripheral nervous system switches to sympathetic mode (activated in the section of the brain called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal …show more content…
Humans have that same “switch” as an evolutionary trait but not usually from life threatening situations but from high standards set by society. Stress is common in today's society, and everyone experiences it, however, stress can be alleviated. Sometimes it’s hard not to stress from common every-day things like parking tickets, annoying bosses, college tuition loans, etc. The effects of excessively stressing could include trouble sleeping, fatigue, and chest pain, and depression. It is important to be able to manage stress in order to prevent coronary artery disease and help it keep it progressing to other more serious cardiac issues. One factor that people claim to help decrease …show more content…
Exercise allows your immune system to fight infection by removing bacteria, allowing cells to travel more efficiently. If someone is sick less frequent amount of times, it allow them to be more productive therefor being put under less pressure and meeting their personal demands. Through the amazing benefits of daily exercise, one is able to manage daily stress to be healthy individual. Staying happy, making the right decisions, getting a good night sleep, and having a strong immune system is a result of the human machine working in action. These “side effects” of working out are the strengths that support the claim exercising of being a factor to help decrease