More psychological symptoms and physical symptoms have been reported, often have a greater and longer-lasting impact than major life events.
Linked to particular environments. i.e. traffic
Fight or Flight
Suspected standing hairs to be the body’s first mobilization to any threat
Brain activation in response to threat occurs in the hypothalamus, stimulating the nearby pituitary gland, releases ACTH. ACTH stimulates adrenal glands. Adrenal glands then release hormones (cortisol) including catecholamines, which increases the sympathetic nervous system and decrease parasympathetic activation.
Stressors: can cause hormones known as glucocorticoids to flood the brain, wearing down the immune system and making it less able to fight invaders.
PTSD: the hippocampus was found to be smaller in volume among individuals with PTSD. Preexisting condition that mad them susceptible to developing PTSD when exposed to trauma.
Help Jill devise a plan to reduce food insecurity for a student. What issues should be targeted and why? Focus on one of these issues to create a step-by-step plan of action to reduce food insecurity on campus or in your community. State why you chose that specific issue (for the answer to this part -see description of issues). For Jill to reduce food insecurity for herself, and help other students:
Jill should learn to budget money as she is on a tight budget for each semester
She should keep an online account to keep track of her money spendings to make sure she has enough for the whole semester.
She should spend wisely at the grocery store. She should also watfh out for food sales, discount coupons, and maybe even purchasing a less expensive brand of food (no name brands). Most importantly, she should only purchase what she knows she will eat and use.
Stay away from peer pressure in making decisions of