“I do agree that there is a larger social machine in which subtle racism whether institutional, internalized, or personally mediated is still very prevalent and the colorblindness aspect adheres to that machine. Therefore regardless of whether I say I will not allow my race to define or hinder me, to some extent it does without me even acknowledging it”.
Is it because of hegemony?
Hegemony means ideological domination; domination through consent. Yes I do agree that the colorblind aspect is most likely under the hegemony umbrella. In stating that comment I was implying that while I acknowledge my race and culture thus disabling the idea of colorblindness. I believe that I have to tread lightly because I may be allowing for it to hinder/dominate me. This is where hegemony comes into play because it functions to gain control without force, by me acknowledging that I am black from a cultural perspective I am a part of a social construction a separate hegemony that has different ruling elites but are still oppressed by an overall ruling elite who has the dominant beliefs of all society. Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Native-Americans are all constructed through hegemony and they all fight to be the ruling elite and have ultimate power. They all have their own television shows/networks, films, music, churches, etc… They function to not level the playing field but to overpower each other through these outlets and beliefs. Yet these outlets and beliefs are governed by the Ideological State Apparatuses. An example would be Spike Lee who I regard as a highly intelligent and outspoken individual on civil rights and issues involving many underprivileged minorities especially Blacks. His rants and outbursts involving films of his that are not given the attention of a say more mainstream film and mistreatment of Blacks following Hurricane Katrina