Columbus Day should not be celebrated and made a Federal Holiday. You're celebrating Christopher Columbus and saying it okay what he did to all those innocent people.He wanted to conquer and control every person.
America was never discovered by Christopher Columbus he just stumbled upon it. Columbus and Magellan both achieved different “discovery”. Magellan was different his purpose was to connect Europe and Asia by sailing and Columbus just took credit for his stumble upon it.People were already living here in The Americas.(document 4)
Europe started thinking and realizing that some principles or rights that people have are taken for granted.Americas made them realize this.(document 5) Columbus had a lot
of influence,sources and power. He could easily conquer and use his power to manipulate.Columbus took his power for granted and used it for hurting innocent people.He could have chosen to use it to help people that needed it but he chose to hurt them.
Spain established a system in Latin America. The king granted colonist to make the Native Americans pay them for living in the land.They made them slaves.Many died of overwork and harsh treatment.They treated the horrible and killed many they got pleasure out of killing.(document 8) Columbus made slave trading a business.He made many Innocent people lives horrible and what he was doing was like killing them because usually slaves ides at a point.
Chief Hatuey was organizing and uprising against the Spanish and the spanish found out about his plan. A monk that was present the day he was gonna be executed.The monk wanted to convert him and told him if he didnt he will go to hell.The Spaniards wanted them to convert.(document 9) Chief Hatuey disliked what they were doing.I believe people should believe and what the want to beliebve in.No one sholld ever tell you what to believe in.
The spaniards, knew that Native Americans Would believe anything and were willing to learn. Native Americans were poor and didn't really know anything of their world.Spaniards treated them horrible and killed and terrorized them. They joked around with the natives the treated them like a toy.They laughed when they killed them.(document 10)
In conclusion, I believe Columbus Day should not be made a Federal Holiday.He treated people badly if didn't believe his beliefs.Columbus did good things but they do not excuse all the horrible things he did.