This minor colony was only the beginning as it steered an epidemic growing exponentially throughout generations. As nations assumed it was acceptable to implement both slavery and racism due to the color of skin. Moreover, soon after the “abundant resources” began to die out with overuse from different nations. Ultimately leading to the scarcity of resources different nations needed to function, such as slaves and spices. Thus generating wars among countries for boundaries, territories, resources, and the embarkment of a new form of slave, African Americans.
This minor colony was only the beginning as it steered an epidemic growing exponentially throughout generations. As nations assumed it was acceptable to implement both slavery and racism due to the color of skin. Moreover, soon after the “abundant resources” began to die out with overuse from different nations. Ultimately leading to the scarcity of resources different nations needed to function, such as slaves and spices. Thus generating wars among countries for boundaries, territories, resources, and the embarkment of a new form of slave, African Americans.