Summer 2012 Section CA
G. Leithman
1. In this project, students explore contemporary issues in organizations or business and develop a critical analysis of these issues. This term, topics include: a. Progress or roadblocks in a major Canadian industry b. The physical workplace c. Impact of the economic recession on employees, firms or customers d. Changing workforce demographics e. Another new idea... 2. Your team will select a …show more content…
An initial annotated bibliography of at least 5-6 secondary sources l. The classic management theory you have selected, with a brief explanation of the relevance of this author to your analysis. Note that later in the term you may encounter other theories that may be equally or more applicable to your analysis m. Your work plan (specific tasks, completion dates & name of team member who is responsible).
In-class capacity-building exercises will be used to help further your progress throughout the term.
5. The project report will take the form of an article that might appear in a business periodical. Examples will be provided in class, and many other examples are available in Canadian Business, The Economist, Fast Company and other popular business magazines. The report should be about 2000-2500 words long. In an appendix to the report, you will provide summaries of your interviews and a list of secondary sources. The report is due at the start of class on (Class …show more content…
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7. Evaluation of Report Originality, accuracy and clarity of claims | 15 pts | Use of classic management theory (or theories), well-integrated into claim or evidence | 20 pts | Quality of evidence: Authority, Sufficiency, Representativeness, Precision, Accuracy, Clarity; Relevance of evidence | 50 pts | Structure of the report; Rhetorical style; Writing skills, including grammar, spelling, neatness; Use of appropriate illustrations; Length of report | 25 pts |
Please note
* Your contribution to the project, as judged by your teammates, may be taken into account in your mark for the