Professor Edgar Allen
Comp-Lit 121
14 November 2013
Essay 2 The theme of sacrifice is shown a lot in a few particular stories that I have read this past month. One of them being The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas. Another one being A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings. I saw that these two stories supported the theme of sacrifice in many different ways. They supported the theme through character interactions, imagery, and certain quotes expressed throughout each story. Imagery in the stories The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas and A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings was one of the ways sacrifices were shown to be made. The settings in the stories such as the basement the child was trapped in from Omelas and the city was a perfect example of it. The City of Omelas was known to be a place of happiness. The text used words to such as joyous, sparkling, and excitement to describe the city and the people in it. The happiness of the city was based on one child who had to suffer in a small dark basement. The imagery shown by the basement was that it was very dark, dusty, foul-smelling, and cramped. There was absolutely nothing in it but the child and the two mops in the corner. No one every dared to go into it because of these conditions. The child in the basement and the old man were some examples of imagery as well. They described the child as anorexic, naked, scary and defective. He always sat in a chair in the corner away from the mops he was afraid of. He did weird things such as playing with his genitals and was very fidgety. In A Very Old Man with Enormous wings the man was described pretty harshly as well. He was said to be very weak because he could barely move. He was also said to be bald and have very few teeth in his mouth. His wings were also huge, dirty, and half plucked as well. There was always one character in each story that had to suffer. Furthermore, another way that the theme of sacrifice is shown throughout these two stories