By: Charlotta Bynum
Word Count 434
I support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance by treating each child in my classroom as an individual with his or her own strengths and needs and unique characteristics. I will be sensitive to differing cultures values and expectations concerning independence and expression of feelings. I will address each child by his or her name, talk with each child every day, and encourage each child to call other children and adults by name. I will have affectionate and appropriate physical contact with each child daily in ways that convey love, affection and security. I will help the children through periods of stress, separation, transition and other crises. I will also give one attention to each child as much as possible. I offer the children choices in activities, materials, and food and respect their choices. I will encourage and help the children practice skills when getting dresses, using toys and equipment, eating, cleaning up and helping others. I will help the children recognize and accept their feelings such as joy, affection, anger, jealousy, sadness, and fear and express their feelings in culturally ways.
I will learn about children’s stages of social development and help children and parents deal with such typical issues as separation anxiety, negative behavior, shyness, sexual identity and making friends.
I will have realistic expectations for young children’s social behavior based on their level of development. I will serve as a social model by building positive relationship with each child and parent and by maintain positive relationship with other adults in the center. I will respond quickly and calmly to prevent children from hurting each other in the classroom. I will encourage the children to ask for, accept, and give help to one another and I will encourage the children to make friends