grade by Nicholas favors
Mrs. Shaughnessy th 9 grade Lit.
4 Sep. 2015
Interview narrative Coming of age is a very hard task in a young person’s life. most people talk about their coming of age experience as an event that happened a long time ago. My grandma gave me advice on maturity: “Even though you think life is short it is still the longest thing to don’t dwell on the past or constantly look to the future because their is a time to rush and a time to slow down. These words have replayed in my head over and over especially in the past few weeks, but when I was looking for someone to interview I thought of someone who would fit the description of someone who wasn’t so far away from their coming of age story and was possible …show more content…
still going through it. Someone who doesn’t constantly look into the future but never dwells in past mistakes. Isaiah Zachariah White
As you probably have guessed by now Isaiah is the person who I have interviewed. Mr.
White is a 20 yearold college student who attends Ga perimeter and is majoring in kinesiology which is the movement of the body and his minor is psychology.
Isaiah is originally from
Covington, Ga where he graduated at eastside high. isaiah is a natural born leader and athlete where he started on the indian creek and eastside football team, while also being a big contributor for his high school track team.
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As a child isaiah showed great talent for being a scholar and athlete. I asked him what was his goals as a child a he told me other than the obvious like bounty hunter, basketball player, or superhero he really wanted to be an anesthesiologist which also is a really hard word to spell it is also one of the most challenging professions you could go in. things change and people change so now isaiah is studying something a little more different he wants to help people and possibly be a physical therapist.
Trying to balance writing papers to studying to working two jobs this summer is hard for anyone but for a person like isaiah he saw it as a challenge that had to be conquered. he did it all with a smile on his face and a positive attitude. “College is really hard but if you buckle down its also really rewarding, because you meet new people and have more fun than you could ever …show more content…
have thought of.”
Isaiah said that: in college there’s less drama, you become more proactive, and more self motivated.” coming from someone who was practically a straight a student this shows the qualities of college and the struggle “I had a lot of butter pecan ice cream, doritos, and mountain dew to keep up on a lot of late nights.”
“Teachers are there to help you guide through things you don’t know but in college if your failing thats your problem, if you don’t get then some teacher will tell that you should just figure it out.” Mr.
white has had some struggles some hard teacher but it has made him grow into the strong young man he is today and personally I have learned more about him in this interview than I have in the years that I’ve known him.
I asked isaiah one question to conclude our interview and it was “How would you describe coming of age?” After a few minutes of thought he replied some much that I had to
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record it just to remember all of it. isaiah said, “ Coming of age is not growing up its becoming
a man...its taking responsibility for the things you do right as well as the things that you do wrong.
Coming of age to me being nice to the little man the person who struggle for what they need...the person who doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from.” After hearing this it shows me how much of a good person Isaiah is. how only 20 years has made an man wise beyond years.