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Comm 155
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Appendix C

Rhetorical Modes Matrix

Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least two tips for writing each type of rhetorical device.

NOTE: You may not copy and paste anything directly from the textbook or a web site. All information included in this assignment must be written in your own words.

Rhetorical Mode | * Purpose – Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used. | Structure – Identify the organizational method that works best with each rhetorical mode. | Tips – Provide two tips for writing in each rhetorical mode. | Narration | The purpose is to tell someone a story. It can be used to tell a factual story to tell (or attempt to recount) events that actually happened. It can be used to tell a fictional story which departs from real people, events, in order to not retell a real life event. Often it is used for writing personal experience essays. | Whether fact or fiction the work relays the series of events in an emotionally engaging way. Major narrative writing is often written in chronological order, in which the events typically unfold, from first to last. | A tip for this type of essay is to create a plot summary, which will just provide a general outline of the essay. This will make sticking to the chronological order much easier. Another tip is that having strongly descriptive details are essential to this type of essay. This will captivate the audience and make it as though they were experiencing it as well. | Illustration | The purpose is to clearly demonstrate or describe a specific topic so it can be completely understood. Essays such as this are one type of essay that are centered around and controlled by a thesis. | These essays start off with an introductorily type of paragraph with the controlling thesis placed within it. Then the main point can be added after the thesis paragraph. Once the main point is established it can be supported with the strongest evidence, or it can be supported with the lesser of the stronger evidence and have it build in strength. This type of structure is often referred to as order-of-importance. | One tip is to use a group of special words called time transition words. These are words like first, second, third, currently, next, subsequently, initially, thus, although, however, conversely, and finally.A second tip is to use compelling facts, observations, and statistics that are current to support the subject in order to ensure that the audience will remain interested. | Description | This type of writing is used to captivate the audience and engross them in the descriptive process through the use of strategically selected words. However, even though they are using these intricate words, there is still a point to the overall piece. This baptism of words is achieved by the writer’s ability to use sensory detail as well as provide definitions from time to time. When a writer does this the audience will be able to see, taste, touch, hear, and feel what is being described to them.As in all descriptive writing the purpose must be clear to the audience from beginning to end. | The usual (best) structure for these essays is an order called spatial order. This is the order or arrangement of ideas according to physical characteristics or appearances. This order may also depend entirely on what the writer describes first in the piece. It may move from bottom to top, left to right, dark to light, or even from life to death. | One tip is to remember that sensory details are absolutely essential. The whole essay should be teeming with picturesque details. The more that the five senses are engaged in the descriptive process the more effective the essay will be. Another tip is when a topic is selected to make sure that it is reviewed repeatedly. Once reviewed a plan of motion and process must be developed and adhered to in order for success to be ensured. | Classification | The intent of these essays is to take extensively massive subjects and degenerate them into smaller, more manageable themes. This creates specific categories of discussion which make the topic of discussion much easier to fathom. | Often this type of essay opens with an introduction paragraph that will subjectively introduce the extensive area of the topic. This paragraph contains the thesis that often provides the median that segregates the topic into subgroups, and it provides the reasons why. Each of the body paragraphs that follow the introduction paragraph will then fully elucidate each subcategory. The concluding paragraph ties everything back together. It will reunite all of the categories and subcategories and reassemble them into the fullest understanding. | One tip for this essay would be to add the thesis to the end of the introduction paragraph. The reason being is because it should contain your extensive topic, subtopics, and rationale for all of the subtopics. This will provide the audience with all the information they will need to understand the rest of the classification essay. Another tip is to include very vivid details in the supporting paragraphs for the thesis. This will not only add relevance to the thesis but also ensure the thesis will be thoroughly explained. | Processanalysis | This type of piece is often used to either explain how to do something or how something may work. However, no matter which subject the essay may be discussing they all share one similar characteristic. The one similar characteristic is they all share five clearly defined steps in process of formation. | An essay of this caliber opens typically with a discussion of the process and a thesis statement that states the goal of the process. This process typically follows chronological order and the steps are conducted in the manner of occurrence. This also inspires the nature of the body paragraphs as well. However, some of the body paragraphs are conditional depending on the complexity or the simplicity. If they are complex they may consume two paragraphs, and if they are simpler they may take up less. If they take up less it may be possible to combine several steps into one paragraph. | One tip for this type of writing is choosing a topic that is somewhat complex. The reason being is it adds depth and interest into the writing and it can be explained in more than just a few steps which adds more girth to writing. A second tip is to make it so each body paragraph is equivalent to a step. Unless it is a complex step or it a simple step, then the piece should be modified, but using this as an outline can be very useful. | Definition | This type of essay is not a simplistic as its name implicates. The overall purpose is in fact to provide a definition in a descriptive manner of a certain term, subject, etc. However, how something is defined can extend to the far reaches and can be used in several different contexts. The purpose is to utilize this term and use it in the proper context, and set parameters so that it can be communicated and understood by everyone. | Essays of this manner typically open with a general discussion of the selected term that needs a definition. Then a thesis is developed which in actuality is the author’s thoughts on what the definition of term may be. The rest of the essay should be devoted to explaining and also to the rationale of why the definition is as such. During this time is where context should be considered because the dictionary definition is limited and may not be the only use of said word or in fact be the way the author is using said word. The remaining part of the essay should then be exhausted on different term’s definitions. | One tip is there are four essential assets that this type of essay must include: a word phrase that requires a definition, a luminous definition of the said word’s phrase, examples that will enhance and reinforce the definition, and exceptionally strong details. If all of these requirements are met then the essay will be immaculate.Another tip is to choose a word that may have a personal link. A word that may have a personal link can provide for a more captivating and mesmerizing piece. | Compare andcontrast | In a comparison essay items are discussed that share similar characteristics and corresponding elements. A contrast essay is the opposite for it discusses items with contrary elements. A comparison and contrast essay is the kind of essay where either the items are compared, contrasted, or are both compared and contrasted through being analyzed. The significant purpose is to show the inner connections between two subjects in a particularly special way. The actual purpose is not to point out the clearly bolded connections but to highlights the unnoticed differences and the impetuous similarities. | This essay starts with thesis statement which clearly states the two chosen subjects of discussion. Then within the thesis the two items are either compared and/or contrasted and it also clearly states the reasons for doing so. The thesis can lean in either direction, but it must not diverge from the point which is to provide useful and powerful knowledge to the reader. There are two different ways that these essays can be organized. One of the ways is by the subjects themselves, as in one and then the next. The second strategy is by individual points, in which discuss each subject in relation to the next point. Essentially, the organization depends solely on the nature of the subject, the purpose, and the audience. Once the analysis is complete, the conclusion summarizes the main points and reinforces the thesis. | One tip is to have on hand some essentially cue words that will clue readers in on what type of relationship you are analyzing. Another tip is to decide whether the subjects chosen should be two closely related items, two completely unrelated items, or two closely related items and two other closely related items. This will determine how the analysis of the essay will continue on from the thesis. | Cause andeffect | The purpose of this piece is to determine how a variety of phantasm is connected in the terms of ancestry and testimony. There are times where the connection between the cause and effect is as clear as the day is bright, but often determining the relationship is much more troublesome. | This piece opens with a customary introduction to the topic. This then leads to a thesis that will state the main cause, main effect, or various causes and/or effects of a particular condition or event. This essay can be organized in one of two ways. The first way is to start with the cause(s) and then the effect(s) or vise versa. The order is irrelevant; the important aspect is to be sure to explain each aspect of the element to its fullest. The conclusion should bring the essay to a close and then reinforce the thesis statement, leaving the reader with all of the necessary knowledge of the analyzed relationship. | A tip for this piece to use words and phrases that promotes a sense of linkage. The reason being is because phenomena are linked and it must be certain that the reader understands that. Some of those words and phrases are: as a result, consequently, because, due to, hence, since, thus, therefore, furthermore, likewise, in addition, and accordingly. | Persuasion | The purpose for this type of writing is to prompt, coax, impel a readers to see a specific view point or opinion. (In these types of essays more than one argument can be introduced). | This essay is based off of five essential elements that make up its features. The essay starts with an appealing introduction that introduces the general topic. The thesis can appear anywhere in the introduction and it will then state the author’s point of view. Then this is where the author can acknowledge opposing ideas and limit their arguments. Then have strong evidence supporting the claims, and also watch the style and language of the piece. The last is to have a imperative conclusion. | One tip is to remember that this is not a vocal argument where individuals lower to their primal levels and scream at one another. A written argument is supported by a reasonable opinion which is supported by logical and reasonable evidence. This evidence is then based off of knowledge and is relayed in a positive manner.Another tip is to always acknowledge points of view that differ from the one being presented. When this is done it will ensure that the piece has well deserved credibility. |

Write a 100- to 150-word paragraph explanation that demonstrates why compare and contrast is the appropriate rhetorical mode for the topic you chose in Week Two.

There are several reasons that compare and contrast was dexterous choice for the rhetorical mode in Week Two. One of the reasons it will fit my topic of chronic illnesses is because this type of essay allows the intricate parts of each topic to be explored, and all the connections can be highlighted and exposed. It causes allows close examination of both sides of the issue. The second reason is an opportunity to take two similar items and show their similarities and why they are often confused; and then demonstrate their significant differences which is what actually separates them from each other. The compare and contrast essay is a perfect demonstration for the topic that I chose in Week Two.

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