Outline & Syllabus
Instructor: Elaine Williamson
HA 351
Division Assistant: (HA 556) Florence Yen
(best contact method is by email)
(604)728-9296 (this is my personal cell phone – emergencies only, please)
Office hrs: Tues 12:30 – 1:45 or by appt
101 T/Th 11:00 – 12:20
Classroom location: HA 241
Pre-requisites: Comm 296
Course website: http://www.connect.ubc.ca
Elaine’s blog: http://blogs.ubc.ca/ewilliamson/ I often reference books in class. …show more content…
To facilitate your involvement in your team’s work and to offer your team a mechanism to manage free-riders and team members who contribute less than required, your team will evaluate you at the end of term.
I will take the average peer assessment score for each student and multiply it by the team’s
Markstrat and case grade to arrive at the student's grade for all projects. For example, if a team receives a grade of 80% (an A –) on the project and a member of the team receives an average peer evaluation of 75% from the other team members, that team member’s individual grade on all team projects will be .75 x 80% = 60% (a C).
The peer evaluation reacts to consensus (being down-graded by a single team member does no damage and will be disregarded). Team members that work in good faith will not experience grade adjustments, while individuals that perform clearly below average will experience a
-4Fall 2014
Elaine Williamson
COMM 461: Sales Managment
Outline & Syllabus
negative grade adjustment. I reserve the right to adjust peer evaluations to ensure fairness. My advice is to set expectations early. Poor communication is often the source of discrepancies