February 7, 2012
Charles Dickens was one of the greatest writers of all time. His passion for writing was one of a kind. Many people are not too fond of Charles Dickens maybe because he wrote over a hundred years ago. Dickens wrote about the hard times his country faced and the reality of the time period. The Victorian Time Period was the hardest obstacle to hit England and Dickens put that in his writing to express and show others the effects of it. Every novel that was ever wrote from Charles Dickens is connected to the Victorian era in some form. He is living proof of childhood corruption and portrays himself as his young, mischievous, and perplexed characters Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. He proves that he is a product of the Victorian era as he brings attention to the childhood cruelty, the less fortunate in an English society, and the un-wealthy dysfunctional families of the early Victorian time period. Charles Dickens reflects these and other issues as he brings to life the realism of writing. While others were writing about the way things should be, rather than the way things were, Dickens was challenging these ideas, and argued that paupers and criminals were not evil at birth. This was an act of rebellion, for he in fact was showing the Victorian middle class generation how things felt from a different point of view. The Victorian era reflected more than just a change in the lack of economic development, but it marked on young children that endured the child cruelty and labor, such as Dickens, and many other writers of this time. Dickens, having been a poor boy, worked in a factory where he was treated with no respect, and many, such as him, had to work in cruel and dangerous conditions. This comes out in his writing, as Oliver Twist works in a factory so that he would get a meal, and a place to sleep. Oliver works long days and his meals come in
Bibliography: and Sketch. MaGill 's Survey of World Literature. Vol 2. Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1993. Hromatko, Wesley Rahn, Josh. “Victorian Literature.” The Literature Network. January 2011. 2 Feb. 2012 <http://online-literature.com/periods/victorian.php (Yancey Dickens, Charles. David Copperfield. Revised ed. Penguin Classics, 2004. 1-1024.