With a growing economy and increased production, Europeans needed a workforce but the natives couldn't withstand the European diseases. Africans of many cultures were still uncivilized and there was much war between the different nations. Prisoners of war were made into slaves and the slaves were in turn traded for European goods. The demand for slaves grew because of their immunities to many diseases, so did war and kidnapping. In the account of a minister from Germany who interviewed many slaves from different nations and tribes says, "There are almost constant internal wars. One tribe attacks another solely for the purpose of capturing men to be sold to whites as slaves (5-5)"
Slavery was …show more content…
Some colonist spent foolishly which led to their debt while still having to pay taxes. At an auction many people were posed with the question of what to do about taxes and asked for the advice of a wise man (5-2). A man by the name Abraham persuasively spoke quoting Poor Richard's Almanac, " Beware of little Expences; a small Leak will sink a great Ship (5-2)" After getting the attention of the people and explaining his point with many sayings from Poor Richard's Almanac, the auction opened and the people there after began spending extravagantly