The first assessment, Multiple Pathways to Learning, helps an individual determine the value of each one of eight different types of intelligences (2007). Of the eight different types of intelligences, the author scored highest on logical-mathematical and verbal-linguistic. The logical-mathematical individual will operate very directly in a logically, organized manner. The individual will collaborate well with assignments that require analytical skills and scientific reasoning (2007). The best way to communicate with this individual is through direct contact with a logically presented plan. The verbal-linguistic intelligence is great for written assignments. The individual with this intelligence will excel with explaining an assignment and understanding word meaning and syntax (2007). This individual will do best with assignments that require creative writing and persuasive arguments. The best way to communicate with this individual effectively is to speak with him or her directly. Allow this individual to share their thoughts regarding a subject, he or she will explain it very well. Another type of intelligence and one the author scored lowest is the naturalistic intelligence. The individual with a naturalistic intelligence has a deep understanding and connection with
References: Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to college studying: Becoming an active thinker (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall