Student Name: Allan Wade Conradie
Student Number: 53759729
Step 1: Evaluating Whitey Basson’s income for 2010 using Kant’s Categorical Imperative
1. State your proposed act as a maxim:
“I will take ZAR 620 000 000 when I’ve done a year’s work in order to get really, really rich.”
2. Restate this maxim as a universal law:
“All people (7 billion of them) will take ZAR 620 000 000 when they’ve done a year’s work in order to get really, really rich.”
3. Ask whether your maxim is conceivable in a word ruled by the universal law:
For everyone in the world to take ZAR 620 000 000 for a year’s work, would indeed be inconceivable. The accumulated value would definitely be unimaginably high, therefore non – existence. The maxim thus fails at step 3 and cannot be considered to be moral. According to Kant, it would be referred to as a perfect duty.
4. Ask whether you would rationally act on your maxim in such a world:
For a moment, consider the above was moral, and step 3 would have been successful and money one earth would be limitless. For everyone to have that kind of money, we would certainly end up having a pandemonium world.
The only reason why people of today work for a living, is to earn money, to survive. Giving people an amount that would never be used up, would cause everyone to stop what they are doing, close down all businesses, manufacturers, and so forth. Who then would manufacture food, clothes, provide education for the future? In the end, people would not live for tomorrow as starvation would be a problem. Pollution would get worse, nature would die, and not even money would maintain nature. And even all these things being a problem, mankind would still have the thought of being extremely rich and therefore still not do anything for the future, as they think they have it already.
Maybe the worst thing possible is that the population would increase immensely, as there would be enough money to
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rules is rules – Deontology –