Some successful industries that have used transparency in their marketing are:
If you want to have successful content marketing transparency is the key. The above mentioned companies all address their customers with a proposition. This proposition implies that they can provide the customers with something valuable. These companies have figured out how to utilize transparency and the use of social media to successfully market their products. BlendTec demonstrates its blender on youtube through a series of videos showing the power of its blender. It is a low cost marketing that showed the capabilities of the blender. They have enganged the customers by asking for suggestions of items that they would like to see if it would blend in their blender. Starbucks uses social media to allow consumers to submit their own ideas and suggestions that can be voted on by other Starbuck consumers. Starbucks even updates the ideas and lets the consumers see the status of the changes suggested. IBM has started using employee blogs to connect with the general population. These blogs let employees give consumers insight into what they are working on and allows consumers to see how IBM is operating and have a personal connection with the employees.
In today’s market of social media marketing along with traditional methods such as TV, print and radio there is more influence on the individual. With the soon to be released diabetic product we should be more active in social media and give the consumers the ability to ask questions. By being transparent we can establish more trust with the consumer and by allowing them to give ideas on what it is that they need we can better tailor future products to our consumers based on the information we receive via direct feedback.
Balwani, S. (2009). Presenting: 10 of the
References: Balwani, S. (2009). Presenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media. Retrieved from Momary, B. (2013). Why Transparency is the Key to Successful Content Marketing. Retrieved from