SBA Theme: Communication: Advancement Through Technology (To be reconsidered)
Name: Melvin Martial
In this journal exact dates are not included as during some writing sessions the dates were not recorded as a result of error of format.
Entry 1: Introduction (No. 1)
Over the years technology has become more and more advanced. As a result of this rapid pace of evolution consequently this was used to further communication tools. Who would have ever imagined that we would evolve from running relays through a series of outposts each with a runner stationed to deliver a message to calling or e-mailing the recipient, or from setting sail from a harbor to traversing the ocean in a massive propeller-pushed ship? It can be deduced that without the technologies we possess now we would be primitive or outdated in terms of creating solutions to our everyday problems and needs, such as communication.
Entry 2: Introduction (No. 2/ Reworked)
In the earlier centuries we were limited in our communication by distance and media available, there was also the constraint of the time factor, as during those times media tools were not as advanced as those we currently possess. We were forced to improvise due to necessity for faster and more efficient communication tools/media and as the saying goes “Necessity is the mother of innovation”, it was through this necessity that the communicative tools we currently possess exist. The theme of this portfolio is “Communication: Advancement Through Technology” and as the name suggests it will cover the ways that technology has contributed to the advancement of communication. This theme has been a keen interest of mine given that I am a Digital Media student at SALCC and in the past I did Information technology, this theme is also aimed at allowing me to research about the topic and expand my knowledge on communication media as this falls under these subjects. I also chose this topic due to my love of technology