Women’s Self Image in the Modern Media
Communication Research Methods
Introduction and Rationale: The scope of this proposal will be to evaluate the current problem of self-image for women in the United States through negative representation found in the modern media. For many critics of the media, the feminist issue of identity has been a recurring problem for many women, as the media (commercials, magazines, film, etc.) appropriate an image that is often far above the normative appearance that is common for women in America. Bodily issues, such as weight, body structure, facial appearance, and other factors, are often created to give an unrealistic representation of women, which damages the self-esteem of women that do not or cannot possibly live up to these images. With the media controlling many facets of identity within American culture, it is a negative representation of women that degrades how women interact with society, and what is expected of them through media concocted social norms. Media can control these norms by controlling the TV and print magazine markets, which in turn, creates negative stereotypes about women that degrade women’s self image.
Working Hypothesis: The scope of this proposal will be to evaluate the research done by feminist and media researchers that find an unrealistic image of women being represented through patriarchal media dominance. By discovering the way that media distorts and creates bodily manipulations (graphic design, air brushing, etc), one can realize the depth of unrealistic bodily shapes and facial images that occur when women are being represented in TV and in print media. By evaluating the facts and research done to learn how the media accomplishes this, one can realize how to correct and combat negative self-images within women’s communities and organizational groups on media literacy.
Research Strategy: The Problem and Various Solutions One source
Cited: Derenne, Jennifer, M.D. and Beresin, Eugene. “Body Image, Media, and Eating Disorders.” 22 August, 2007. Academic Psychiatry. 2006. Media Research Network. “Beauty and Body Image in the Media.” 22 August, 2007. Media-awareness.ca. Ware, Niqe. “Te patriarchal Domination of Women’s Bodies Through Advertising: Women’s Media Induced Schizophrenia.” 1996. Bellawoman.com. 22 August, 2007.