The implementation of the five-year plan aimed at rapid industrialization, which led to significant state control over production and resources. While the plans achieved some industrial growth, they also resulted in inefficiencies and a lack of consumer goods. The bureaucracy suffocated, as factories were often forced to meet unrealistic quotas rather than respond to market demands. This miscalculation of resources created shortages in the economy, demonstrating how too much government control can stop progress and limit individual freedoms. Complete government control can be dangerous, where you do not have the rights to even protect yourself. Joseph Stalin killed so many people just because he had the power to do so in a communist society. No person should ever have the ability to take the lives of another with no …show more content…
Capitalism thrives on the principles of free market capitalism and individualism, with limited government intervention. However, the government should step in when necessary to correct market failures and ensure stability. Thinkers like John Maynard Keynes supported the idea that government intervention is essential during economic downturns to stimulate demand and restore economic balance. The Great Depression highlights that while capitalism generally benefits from limited government interference, strategic intervention is necessary to address significant economic challenges and protect the well-being of citizens. By maintaining this balance, governments can support a robust capitalist system while still being prepared to act when the market fails. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the textile industry underwent significant transformation due to technological advances, that was the industrial revolution. Adam Smiths’ concept of the “invisible hand” was evident in the industrial revolution as individuals pursued their self interest, which led to increased production of wealth for society as a whole. For an economy to thrive, competition is necessary, we discovered this during the industrial revolution. Competition creates an environment where consumers get the best prices possible, which means they ultimately spend more. Capitalism is the best way to ensure a society and economy succeeds with the fewest