Community Engagment
April Bellback 4-20-13
Getting Teens Involved
What does the word community mean to you? The range in diversity in answering this question makes it difficult to all together define the word, however, the answers will generally evolve around “People, togetherness, or grouped society. Community is more than a term however. In order for a community to exist, there has to be a formation, a development, and a solid plan to proceed striving for stability and societal health. Community is a counterpoint to the combination of Location, People, and an Organized “Sub’’ Society.
Communities were much stronger and efficient in Past decades, in comparison to modern communities, at least as a whole. This is because …show more content…
The best way to do this, while still ecomically boosting a community would be to praise an already existing community center or praise and further explore and invest in an existing one! Another way would be to build Youth groups! The youth club was much more famous and “popping” back in its day, with activities that including sports or even something as simple as table tennis. A tea and coffee bar were also likely things you would find at youth group. But even in back in the day, 1960s to be exact it still seemed a boring, unappealing and dated. Nowadays it wouldn’t stand a chance, and anything called a youth club tends to be tainted by the association. But youth groups can help address the community and personal safety of teens. It’s safer than them congregating at shopping centres or on the street, and with a good range of activities, subtly …show more content…
Often youth groups also offer structured trips that enable small groups to become used to co-operating and use the idea of teamwork – small climbing expeditions, for example. These can be very positive, enjoyable experiences, not only for the kids, but those leading the group. Are there youth groups in your community? If not, and if it’s a problem that concerns you and you want to help with, The youth club was fine in its day, with table tennis and a little coffee and tea bar. But even in the 1960s it seemed a little quaint and dated. Nowadays it wouldn’t stand a chance, and anything called a youth club tends to be tainted by the association.But youth groups can help address the community and personal safety of teens. It’s safer than them congregating at shopping centres or on the street, and with a good range of activities, subtly