' VBScript: IP_FileWrite.vbs
' Written by:
' Date:
' Class:
' Professor:
' ===================================
' This initializes a 2-dimension array
' of IP Address. The first index +100
' is the room# and the second index+1
' is the computer# in the room. dim ipAddress(5,3) ipAddress(0,0)="" ipAddress(0,1)="" ipAddress(0,2)="" ipAddress(0,3)="" ipAddress(1,0)="" ipAddress(1,1)="" ipAddress(1,2)="" ipAddress(1,3)="" ipAddress(2,0)="" ipAddress(2,1)="" ipAddress(2,2)="" ipAddress(2,3)="" ipAddress(3,0)="" ipAddress(3,1)="" ipAddress(3,2)="" ipAddress(3,3)="" ipAddress(4,0)="" ipAddress(4,1)="" ipAddress(4,2)="" ipAddress(4,3)="" ipAddress(5,0)="" ipAddress(5,1)="" ipAddress(5,2)="" ipAddress(5,3)="" Const READ=1, WRITE=2, APPEND=8, ASCII=0 fileName="C:\Scripts\IP_Addresses.csv" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ipAddrStr = ""
If fso.FileExists(fileName) Then fso.DeleteFile(fileName)
End If
Set ipAddrFile = fso.CreateTextFile(fileName,True)
In the space provided below to copy and paste the remainder of your IP_FileWrite.vbs sourcecode if it did not fit in the first textbox.
For room = 0 to 5
For computer = 0 to 3 ipAddrStr = CStr(room+100) & "," & CStr(computer+1) & "," & _ ipAddress(room,computer) & vbCrlf ipAddrFile.WriteLine(ipAddrStr)
WScript.Echo vbCrlf
Set ipAddrFile =