For every Filipino worker to save with Pag-IBIG Fund and to have decent shelter.
To generate more savings from more Filipino workers, to administer a sustainable fund with integrity, sound financial principles, and with social responsibility, and to provide accessible funds for housing of every member.
The governing values that will steer the Pag-IBIG Fund in pursuit of its vision include Integrity, Excellence, Professionalism, and Service.
The birth of the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), more popularly known as the Pag-IBIG Fund, was an answer to the need for a national savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the Filipino worker. The Fund was established on 11 June 1978 by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 1530 primarily to address these two basic yet equally important needs. Under the said law, there were two agencies that administered the Fund. The Social Security System handled the funds of private employees, while the Government Service Insurance System handled the savings of government workers.
Less than a year after on 1 March 1979, Executive Order No. 527 was signed. The order directed transferring the administration of the Fund to the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation, which was one of the operating agencies of the then Ministry of Human Settlements. Seeing the need to further strengthen the stability and viability of the two funds, Executive Order No. 538 was issued on 4 June 1979, merging the funds for private and