Compare and Contrast The key focus of positive psychology is, “to make normal life more fulfilling” rather than just treating a mental illness (Scott 2012, 1). Positive Psychologist does not deny things cannot go wrong but how things go well by taking on a more positive approach. Positive Psychologist break down the topics into four categories’: “(1) positive experiences, (2) enduring psychological traits, (3) positive relationships, and (4) positive institutions” (Peterson 2009, 2). With these four topics in mind researchers try to analyze into these states of pleasure, values, strengths, virtues, talents, and how these are useful to see a more positive spin on a persons life. Solution-Focused Therapy gives counselor’s the best question to ask, “What maintains the problem” (Kollar 2011, 41). Sometimes an individual is stuck in the past by earlier perceptions. If we self-label we are basically stuck in the past unable to go forward. Solution-Focused therapy creates just that “solutions.” Using a biblical solution, “(1) God has given us the ability to create solutions, (2) The solutions can be described and clarified, (3) more than one outcome to counseling can be created, (4) the counselor and the counselee can do the creating and clarifying together, (5) we create solutions as a joint effort with God’s preparation; and (6) this process can be taught” (Kollar 2011, 41). By using this method you create three things deliberately, “you find out what the need is, seek out what God has already placed and what
References: Kollar, Charles A. Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011. Peterson, C. "Reclaiming Children and Youth." Positive Psychology Vol.18, Issue 2, 2009: 3-7. Scott, Elizabeth. Positive Psychology-Using Positive PSychology for stress Management. January 02, 2012.