Would you prefer a day in the car over a day at school? Often times when the thought of a road trip comes to mind, it is not also met with the thought of a day at school. A family road trip and a day at school may sound like two very different things but are in fact very similar, both are very long, are in one place, allow for socializing, and require work even after they are finished.
A road trip does not take one definite amount of time. It can be 3 hours or 15 hours. It can start at 5 hours and by the time you arrive have taken 7 hours. However, no matter what, the trip is not described at short. Unlike a road trip, a day at school typically begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:30 on the dot. No if, ands, or buts. Yet, like a road trip this day is long. Students and staff must spend 7 hours in one building. It is true that some just walk around for a bit if they’re feeling stiff and go outside if suddenly craving a taste of fresh air. On a road trip, walking around is not an option, but every now and then one can always roll down the window and appreciate the breeze. Similar to walking around a school of new faces, while driving in the car there is an endless supply of unfamiliar scenery.
One of the most appreciated things about school is the ability to socialize with friends. In between classes, at lunch, and even in class there’s opportunity to stay caught up with the latest gossip. It’s face to face interaction not only with friends but with peers and even new faces. While on a road trip, there’s always a chance to have a chat with the people in the car. It may be different than laughing with a friend, but time away for just family creates a beneficial way to communicate. On some trips friends are lucky enough to come along. That means however many hours of guaranteed social time. However, with today’s technology, it’s safe to say that if a friend isn’t in the car, there’s easy access to them through the cell phone. Differently than at