The bio-diversity of the Arctic and the Sahara are minute compared with the high levels of biodiversity that the rainforest possesses, the Arctic and the Sahara are placed in regions where the conditions for a living organism to survive and nurture is harsh and ruthless. Suitable environmental conditions are the ideal regions in which living organisms should live in as it allows generations of that particular organism to settle down and adapt to the environment even more with the species being able to expand and increase in population. The Arctic, Sahara and the rainforest are completely different ecosystems and I will explain …show more content…
that the rainforest has a higher biodiversity than the Arctic and Sahara.
The Arctic has a low biodiversity with the extreme cold and icy conditions which prevent many living organisms from living there especially plants which will eventually die out or adapt incredibly to the cold conditions with sunlight not being the Arctic all year round, photosynthesis becomes harder with the plants needing it as a traducer to allow the reactions to happen within its leaves. The windy conditions uproots the plants with plants now growing low to the ground with extensive roots to drain water and minerals from the soil but the difficulty lies within the fact that soil isn’t as fertile and rich in nutrients as it should be. Only a few plants can survive and adapt to the harsh climate of the Arctic making use of every advantage as the Arctic isn’t an ideal ecosystem. Animals in the Arctic are few as well with the adaptations being having a layer of fat/blubber to protect the internal organs warm without the cold penetrating into the flesh and causing damage. The fur of the animals are mostly white as it camouflages the predators and prey with advantages such as becoming part of the environment as the it’s incredibly complex to see apart the animal from the environment. The Arctic’s cold conditions is detrimental to the organisms as the coldness and freezing temperatures kills species with organisms moving away to warmer parts , this shows the level of bio-diversity being low as the cold conditions is unbalanced thus doesn’t have common ground which allows most types of organisms to live in this cold environment.
The Sahara desert has a low bio-diversity with the extreme heat and searing temperatures which decrease the water content and dehydrates organisms to point of death with the Sahara being exactly on the Equator , the sun’s rays have greater energy thus more light and heat.
The Sahara’s climate is heat in the day but incredibly cold at night which puts off many organisms from living in the desert with only a few animals with skin which can reflect the rays and absorb a small amount , have a prolonged water supply to stop dehydration, be able to cope with the heat and the cold with finally being able to find a source of food as plants in desert cannot survive long with cacti being the main plant. Cacti have long roots to find new sources of water with heat from the sunlight not being able to fully evaporate the water content in the cacti with the cacti being able to preserve water for emergency situations. The Sahara’s hot conditions limits the amount of water , food and organisms in the desert as only a few with special adaption such as camels and cacti who have built up and increase their adaptability with the desert’s climate. Subsequently , the desert provides an unstable habitat with the constant need for survival as the Sahara’s heat is all year around with small periods of
On the other hand .the rainforest has a very high biodiversity with its habitat being situated in a tropical, warm , humid but damp and mildly rainy area this gives the optimum habitat for many creatures as there is sunlight keep the animals warm and provide food for the plants ,with water and rain which can be used as a water supply and cool down the animals. The built layers of a rainforest shades most organisms from the heat , the layers gives most organisms a habitat as there are more opportunities to nurture and grow , snakes and monkeys use the trees as transport and homes , they don’t really need adaptations as it’s the perfectly suited environment to their species. However , plants have to adapt as it’s a fight for sunlight and rain water , the larger trees can obtained more water with large leaves and stronger methods of absorbing sunlight , the plants near the bottom layer need waxy coating to stop insects from destroying them and with larger leaves with more surface area to take in the most amount of sunlight and rainwater.
These temperatures and climate suits many organisms being able to adapt easily to the great temperatures of the environment and habitats are easily made with millions of species living the rainforest , proves that the rainforest has a higher bio-diversity than the Sahara desert and Arctic. The rainforest provides a large supply of water and food with good amounts of shade and a good habitat; this is all that is needed with the Arctic and Sahara not being able to provide these great conditions due to their climate and the sun these are main areas of concern which doesn’t allow these habitat to provide optimum conditions for living things to grow in.