
Compare And Contrast Antigone And Oedipus Rex

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Compare And Contrast Antigone And Oedipus Rex
In this Greek Tragedy Essay, I will compare and contrast the two tragedy Antigone and Oedipus Rex. During the essay I will be describing their Tragic flaws, Tragic hero, and the overall tragic downfalls.
In Antigone, the main character is Antigone. The first tragic flaw of Antigone is she described as stubborn. In one of the scene she was captured and sentenced to be put to death because she broke the law. The reason why she was caught is because she was burying her brother. I honestly give Antigone props for standing up for herself when she faced the king and convinced him not to kill her. She laters commit suicide by hanging herself in jail. She committed suicide so that Creon wouldn't have to kill her himself. The next tragic flaw about

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