June 3, 2015
Words have the power to move crowds and change mindsets because
they elicit various interpretations that can arguably be critiqued by readers of
literature. The Holy Bible and the Qur’an have transformed lives for centuries
based on the power of the word of God. These two texts have been contended
against one another for centuries because each seems to be relaying similar
messages of God, but under a different subtext. Although literature gives the
reader the power of interpretation, it is up to the author to convey a clear theme
throughout the work in order to achieve the appropriate response from the
intended audience. The Holy Bible and the Qur’an are sacred …show more content…
The compositions of both texts are unlike each other in length, word choice,
and flow. The story concerning the Garden of Eden aims to display God’s
dominion over heaven and Earth, and the consequences that occur when
individuals stray from the direct teachings of God. Chapter 2 of Genesis in the
Holy Bible contains 25 verses that begins with God concluding the creation of the
heavens and earth and commencing the creation of man, who have the tools for
the fertilization of not only earth for the nation. For example, Genesis 2:5-7 says,
“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field
before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and
there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth,
and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the
dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and …show more content…
Genesis 2:7 and Sura 20:111-112 convey this message.
Each Christian and Muslim are obligated to confess that God reigns notorious
over his or her life, which displays the parallel theme of each text that God has
dominion over humankind, and his or her degree of knowledge is finite compared
to Him. Although, the two passages about the Garden of Eden reveals similarities,
there is a distinct difference in the way each text sanctions punishment, which
can explain the persecutions and strictness that happen in Islamic nations. Sura
20:123 say, “But he who shuns My remembrance will have a life of hardships and
We shall raise him up a blind man, on the Day of Resurrection”(Qur’an 197). This
is a verse that can be taken out of context because some radical religious
believers may believe that the people in life should punish those who do not
follow Islam, and in death by God. The punishment portrayed in the Hebrew Bible
is solely that of God because it is implied that God obtains the ultimate power.
God, Adam, Eve, and Satan are major characters of the Garden of Eden
passages in the Hebrew Bible and the Qur’an. There are similarities