The bible is known for using stories as anecdotes and the Garden of Eden may be a symbol of the Earth itself. Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” God commanded mankind to guard and protect his creation of Earth. There are environmental implications whenever we drill deep holes in the ground. In 2000, there were about 276,000 natural gas wells in the U.S. By 2010, that numbered had almost doubled to 510,000. Proponents of fracking claim that it is a safe and clean method of generating electricity. However, opponents claim that when machines malfunction, it can be catastrophic for local residents by contaminating drinking water and polluting the air. Fracking is also seen as a cause of climate change. From a biblical perspective, God calls us to protect the Earth and everything on it. This would include the protection of natural resources as well as monitor the pollution in the air and water. Fracking should be observed and researched in order to make sure that the Earth is protected, while still allowing humans access to all of the Earth’s
The bible is known for using stories as anecdotes and the Garden of Eden may be a symbol of the Earth itself. Genesis 2:15 says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” God commanded mankind to guard and protect his creation of Earth. There are environmental implications whenever we drill deep holes in the ground. In 2000, there were about 276,000 natural gas wells in the U.S. By 2010, that numbered had almost doubled to 510,000. Proponents of fracking claim that it is a safe and clean method of generating electricity. However, opponents claim that when machines malfunction, it can be catastrophic for local residents by contaminating drinking water and polluting the air. Fracking is also seen as a cause of climate change. From a biblical perspective, God calls us to protect the Earth and everything on it. This would include the protection of natural resources as well as monitor the pollution in the air and water. Fracking should be observed and researched in order to make sure that the Earth is protected, while still allowing humans access to all of the Earth’s