
Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Confucianism

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Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Confucianism
Cultivated relationships between human vs. Powerful rules
In ancient world history, probably, China has one of the longest and well-known acknowledged histories. As country evolved, so did the ideology of philosophy. There are two philosophies, and one religion that contributed significantly in establishing Chinese history. These are Confucianism, Legalism, and Buddhism. Each has its own meanings; each had its own ways of viewing the human nature; and how to lead government, society, and family. Although they each have many differences their purpose is the same, to make better society. In this assignment, I will be describing and comparing of the above mentioned philosophies by analyzing how some of these ideologies incorporated into various
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The thoughts of Confucians also believe the government should be structured like the family, people should love and respect their ruler as the Confucius said, “When superiors love ritual, the people are easy to direct.” Confucians also think the order in society would be maintained through benevolence, the virtue of humanity. The thoughts of Confucius stressed the morality centering on the man, however the thoughts of Mencius stressed that human kind arises out from being gentle in its basis. An Early Zhou Dynasty was seen as perfect society and examples of ideal society including but not limited to Inferiors devoted to service, Superiors looked after dependents, and Chinese gentlemen were educated and have moral standards.
They believe the ethical systems based on relationships and personal virtue. That’s why they stress the importance of social relationships and family-filial piety. Filial piety was an integral part of Chinese culture and among the three philosophies, Confucianism, with its well documented social hierarchy, supported the ideals of filial piety the most and most Confucians emphasize respect for parents and elders are

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