In the book, Charlotte’s Web by E.B White, there are various ways in which the adults are portrayed in the book. When children get to read this book and also many others, they …show more content…
All the children are told to follow all the instructions they will be told to follow and if not, stern repercussions will follow. When the children end up falling for the temptations of the chocolate factory, they are eliminated from the tour without a second chance to redeem themselves (Dahl and Schindelman 135). This clearly portrays the adult life as a strict life, where all instructions and rules that are laid out for the children to follow should be followed to the …show more content…
By the spider dying, it creates a negative perception that one has to do everything even if it means dying in order to save or solve an issue which is being pushed across by the adults.
In the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, as the children were being eliminated from the trip inside the chocolate factory, Charlie realized that all he had to do is to listen and follow the instructions and words that Willy Wonka kept saying every now and then ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"). By doing so, Charlie ended up being the last one standing as all children fell off along the trip to the time they were getting to the glass elevator.
Following the instructions and words of Willy Wonka, Charlie ended up inheriting the factory and lifted his family from poverty and ended up having a happy life from there. Being obedient, observant and respectful, Charlie ended up wealthy beyond his wildest dreams together with having to eat as much chocolate as he could