Time Warner’s dividend yield is 0.8% higher than Disney’s showing that they pay higher dividends relative to their share price. Investors may also like Time warner in this situation as they need to spend less money relative to how much the company will make. Investors in Time Warner pay close to $15 in order to receive one dollar of company earrings. Thus, attracting more investors toward Time Warner inc. over The Walt Disney Company. Now seeing all the portability ratios of both companies, one is able to realize that Disney is a more profitable company. Showing investors that Disney is a smart investment as they are able to pay off debts, as well as become more innovative due to the disposable income Disney may have. The use of the debt ratio, Disney is able to show investors that they have the least amount of assets that are financed by debt. This can make investors lean towards Disney as they have lower financial risk. However, some may see a higher debt ratio as good because the company is able to have more extra money to spend, thus making more money in the
Time Warner’s dividend yield is 0.8% higher than Disney’s showing that they pay higher dividends relative to their share price. Investors may also like Time warner in this situation as they need to spend less money relative to how much the company will make. Investors in Time Warner pay close to $15 in order to receive one dollar of company earrings. Thus, attracting more investors toward Time Warner inc. over The Walt Disney Company. Now seeing all the portability ratios of both companies, one is able to realize that Disney is a more profitable company. Showing investors that Disney is a smart investment as they are able to pay off debts, as well as become more innovative due to the disposable income Disney may have. The use of the debt ratio, Disney is able to show investors that they have the least amount of assets that are financed by debt. This can make investors lean towards Disney as they have lower financial risk. However, some may see a higher debt ratio as good because the company is able to have more extra money to spend, thus making more money in the