
Compare And Contrast Gun Control Vs Mental Health

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Compare And Contrast Gun Control Vs Mental Health
Mental Health V.S. Gun control

Violence is using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone. It is an effect of mental illnesses and can often produce mass shootings and poses as a huge threat to any American citizen. Some blame gun control laws and some think that people shouldn’t even be allowed to bear arms, but I say that we should focus on mental health issues and the problems they make for our country! I, personally, am pro-mental health and think that this is the main cause for many mass shootings and that focusing on mental health issues can better secure our safety than enforcing new gun control laws! As a result I have gathered the three most important reasons we should take mental health precautions.
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Take, for example, the recent mass shooting in Isla Vista, California, a place “that passed major gun reforms in the wake of 20012’s Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting”. The aggressor is said to have “legally purchased three guns, passed a federal background check and met several other requirements”. It is also said that “California’s gun control laws received an ‘A-’ grade from both The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence”. Once again, addressing mental health issues seems to dominate new gun control …show more content…
While this might be true, “a mass shooting is the product of a disordered mental process". In other words, no “normal person would go and shoot a bunch of strangers". “ A 2001 study looked specifically at 34 adolescent mass murderers ... 70 percent are described as a loner ... 61.5 percent had a problem with substance abuse ... 48 percent had a preoccupation with weapons ... 43.5 percent had been victims of bullying" and “ only 23 percent had a documented psychiatric history of any kind ”. This indicates that “ 3 out of 4 did not ". So in summary, confronting mental health issues can help people with such problems who are dealing with brain-harming situations and are considering acting upon violence

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