Prodigality means the wastefulness or indulgence of the unnecessary, and so he aims to have people remain abstinent from being prodigal. In order to advocate for limits on interest rates, Adam Smith urged usury laws when it came to market loans because this would result in profitable investments, which means productive accumulation. In addition, Smith was in favor of free trade when international trade was not subsidized because the preference would remain in domestic trade for the betterment of the economy.
Karl Marx was born in 1818, so that is definitely post Adam Smith’s take on Capitalism and his ideas of economic laws. Karl Marx has an interesting background in which he was dismissed from Germany due his political views not pertaining to that of Germany’s, even though he professionally got a Ph.D. in philosophy. Marx studies many others that provoked many of his ideas such as the French socialists, the work of a German philosophers known as G.W.F. Hegel, Smith, Ricardo, and