
Philosophers During The Enlightenment

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Philosophers During The Enlightenment
In the time period of the Enlightenment era, philosophers discussed topics and helped mold the democratic world that men and women live in today. The philosophers would visit in French saloons where they talked about natural laws that people do not comprehend or, see if people have the competence to identify truths. All of the philosophers in the Age of Reason believed in something that tied into freedom, whether freedom of religion or freedom of government, and freedom of women rights or freedom at birth. The Enlightenment philosophers were John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, and Mary Wollstonecraft and they believed in some form of freedom in human society. All four philosophers and many others fought for humanity to bring an impression of …show more content…
According to Locke people have the right to form a new government, “When the government is dissolved, the people are at liberty to provide for themselves, by erecting a new legislative…” (John Locke). People have the right to be free but people also have the right to have order. He said that the government, which is made up of a group of people are able to be civilized and create laws and new branches of government. Locke furtherly presumed to be true, based off of his quote, “There is nothing more evident, than that creatures of the same species and rank… should also be equal one amongst another without subordination or subjection….” (John Locke). Here he stated that all humans have equality. Although in that time women were not considered equal or had any form of stature other than being the cleaner, and food maker. Locke’s main idea is that people have the right towards freedom, but know and respect the basic …show more content…
During the 16th and 17th the most common economic system was mercantilism. The goal of this system was to make the country rich by having the monarch be in charge of the economic decisions. Adam Smith was against this idea because he believed every man is helping themselves by working and helping the country's wealth. “ He… neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it… He intends only with his own gain, and he is in this… Led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention… By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectively than when he really intends to promote it” (Adam Smith). Smith supported that the people could bring the country together because common people are capable of making their own decisions assist in the national economy. Adam Smith, John Locke, and Voltaire all had similar ideas of freedom; people as an individual have the right to

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