In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is seen as an innocent flower because her love for Macbeth is unmatched, but showing strong love her deceitfulness can be very easily hidden. Lady Macbeth shows her innocence by saying “Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue; look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” (Shakespeare 76-78). Palpatine, on the other hand is impressively deceitful and a manipulator, being the cruel Dark Lord he desires the most power in the galaxy so he attacks easily manipulated Young Anakin. Like Palpatine, Lady Macbeth’s innocence hides her keen, cruel ways of deceiving Macbeth to kill his friend King Duncan. The one way that Palatine tricked Anakin was by a story he told him that the Dark Side brought Anakin into the world, which grabs his attention. The two characters Palpatine and Lady Macbeth share motives; Lady Macbeth seeked more power for her and Macbeth's kingdom, just like Palpatine wanted more of a powerful force to destroy the Jedi Force once and for
In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is seen as an innocent flower because her love for Macbeth is unmatched, but showing strong love her deceitfulness can be very easily hidden. Lady Macbeth shows her innocence by saying “Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue; look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t” (Shakespeare 76-78). Palpatine, on the other hand is impressively deceitful and a manipulator, being the cruel Dark Lord he desires the most power in the galaxy so he attacks easily manipulated Young Anakin. Like Palpatine, Lady Macbeth’s innocence hides her keen, cruel ways of deceiving Macbeth to kill his friend King Duncan. The one way that Palatine tricked Anakin was by a story he told him that the Dark Side brought Anakin into the world, which grabs his attention. The two characters Palpatine and Lady Macbeth share motives; Lady Macbeth seeked more power for her and Macbeth's kingdom, just like Palpatine wanted more of a powerful force to destroy the Jedi Force once and for