
Compare And Contrast Mirvart's Theory Of Natural Selection

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Compare And Contrast Mirvart's Theory Of Natural Selection
Mirvart targets Darwin’s theory of evolution by opposing Darwin’s idea of Natural selection. Darwin believes that Natural selection is the reason why evolution occurs. Although Mirvart does believe in the concept evolution, he disagrees with the idea that natural selection is the reason as to how and why things evolve. Mirvart uses the example of the neck of the giraffe to disprove Darwin’s theory. Suppose there is a drought which causes limitation on food supply. The Ungulates of that habitat would have to search for other ways to consume their food and the only food left is what can be found in trees. The nascent giraffe, being the largest among the Ungulates, have an advantage over Ungulates because they are able to feed from the trees, and thus survive to pass on their traits to their offspring, which preserves the characteristics. Mirvart opposes this idea because he believes it is unreasonable that only the nascent giraffe were able to grow long necks and feed of the trees and not the rest of the Ungulates. He questioned how the Ungulates did not starve and why were they able to survive and preserve their own kind, …show more content…
For example, Indian Butterflies mimic the appearance of a shriveled leaf. The description on the similarities among this type of butterfly and a shriveled leaf are surprising. Every Indian butterfly consists of an ash, brown or ochre color like that of a decaying leave. The butterflies’ wings are also very similar to that of a leaf. The tips of the wings are curved, similarly to leaves. In addition, the wings also consist of oblique lines which can also been seen on leaves. Not only do these butterflies resemble the size, shape, and color, etc. of leaves, but they also format their composure in a branch or twig in order to make it seem as if they are just another

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