
Compare And Contrast Nicholas Carr And Jamasio

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Compare And Contrast Nicholas Carr And Jamasio
The Internet is one of the most used things today. It is also the newest and fastest ways of exploring mass amounts of information from sources from all over the world by the single push of a button. The Internet is turning out to be either the best or the worst thing that has happened to this generation. Many people today, specifically older people, believe that the Internet and some specific search engines are making this generation stupid. Two people who seem to disagree on whether this is true or not are Nicholas Carr & Jamais Casio. Both have very different and opinions on how the Internet is used today.
Nicholas Carr was the first person to publish an article involving the problems with today’s technology, specifically Google. In his article Carr gives detailed information to his readers on why this type technology is bad. “What the net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.” (Carr). Although, in his article, “Get Smarter,” Cascio’s approach was based off of Carr’s words but taking the opposite side. Cascio’s argument not only gives detailed background information and
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When Cascio would bring up Carr’s study in relation to his own, he states that Carr’s theory of technology and its content making us “stupid,” may have brought some anxiety among people and their natural ability to think. “We’re becoming so accustomed to interruption that we’re starting to find focusing difficult, even when we’ve achieved a bit of quiet.” (Casio). Saying this, Cascio presents that this anxiety can have an effect on people who believe Carr’s trustworthy sources, but what Cascio is trying to explain, is that it is not the content and how we absorb it that is the problem, it is that the technology tools are still in their

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