
Is Google Making USupid?

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Is Google Making USupid?
In his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid”, published in the July edition of The Atlantic Monthly, Nicholas Carr argues that the constant use of internet and its advancement is harmful to the human brain. Nicholas Carr is an American writer who has written many essays and writings on culture and technology. Carr starts off “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by introducing a film scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey that shows artificial intelligence begging Dave to stop disconnecting memory circuits. Then Carr transitions into his own words stating that he can feel it too. He can feel the effects of internet. His brain cannot function the same way it used to. His neural circuitry has been remapping. He can’t perform easy taskings such as reading long literary works (Carr 2). His concentrations are always drifting. Then, he shows that he is not the only one feeling the effects, there are others that also feel the same effects. The author dives in more into the article with more evidence and presenting similar cases. He especially discusses that our neural paths are changing due to the use of internet and presents evidence for it. Towards the end, he acknowledges that he just may be a …show more content…
He presents evidence that is possible for you neural connections to change. He refers to Maryanne Wolf research, a developmental psychologist, “ When we read online, she says, we tend to become “mere decoders of information.” Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.” (Carr 8) The author uses this information to prove that the usage of internet prevents the readers from using deep thinking skills, therefore if not practiced it will become weaker. That is why many people lose their ability to deeply read long passages such as the writer of the

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