Our Two-Party Politics
Our founding Fathers strongly opposed the formation of political parties, and did not have the foresight of the power the political parties would have on the United States, when the Constitution of the United States was being created (Barbour. Wright, 2011). Quite possibly much to the founding fathers dismay, after the Constitution ' was creation, the political parties had been created. In the centuries that have passed, mainly two parties have become critical to America 's political and governing processes; they select candidates, educate voters, organize the legislative process, and serve as an observationist of the actions that is being taken by the other party(s). …show more content…
However a third parties do exist; although they have a minor role and rarely achieve great electoral mention or any real success. They do still contribute in important ways to our political system. Even though our country has only really recognizes two parties, these two parties have dominated American politics, and the vision and the composition of the dominant parties have changed from when they were first formed. Every thirty or forty years, a new party(s) tries to emerge, if successful the new party(s) replace old or the political agenda and objective changes within the party (Berger,2013). However there is an emerging believe that political parties are having less essential to our political system, and a posibbillity that during the twenty-first century, political parties will could disappear altogether from the political arena. However but political scholars disagree and argue that political parties are needed for our political system to function and to contribute to the enhancement of our constitution (Barbour. Wright,