Drugs may be given 30 min before and 30 min after prescribed time (some facilities allow 1 hour before and 1 hour after)…
That can turn into a legal issue, because the nurse knows the laws about patients and administering medication, and once done wrong the nurse can lose their practicing license and have to stand before a judge. In the ethical aspect, some patients might receive the news that they have the diabetes diseases and can refuse to take the medication, because of their culture and religious beliefs.…
References: American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2010). The impact of education on nursing practice. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing website: www.aacn.nche.edu/media/factsheets/impactednp.htm…
References: Badzek, L. A. (1998). Administrative Ethics and Confidentiality/Privacy Issues. American Nurses Association. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol31998/No3Dec1998/PrivacyIssues.asp April 7, 2011…
The ethical issues in nursing as well as the situations where such issues arise are being encountered by health practitioners on a daily basis. It is about time that nurses and nursing students learn how to manage and confront these kinds of situations in a professional manner. Expertise on the management of ethical issues in nursing should be given utmost importance in this day and age.…
behaviour in pharmacy, which was set out in the Code of Ethics for Pharmacists and…
Nurses are provided guidelines for how to approach the care of patients in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, but they are just that, guidelines. It is simply a map to help navigate some of the more difficult decisions that are necessary for a nurse to make. Ethics, in nursing, is based on individual interpretation. A person’s values shape their individual approaches to patients and patient care. The ANA document does not tell or indicate what is an absolute right or wrong. Each and every nurse has to make those decisions individually. Ethical knowledge and guidelines help a nurse maneuver through personal/professional relationships, to give safe and ethical care in an ever-changing healthcare system.…
Erickson and Millar (2005) sated “As nurses, we need to balance patient safety and treatment with respect for privacy. If you must choose, always choose patient…
Smith, K., & Godfrey, N. (2002). Being a good nurse and doing the right thing: A…
My interest in pharmacy school did not happen overnight, but it was a process of learning and discovering. At the age of 30 with a son, a family, and a full-time job, I decided to go back to school and do something entirely different from my previous degree*. Intrigued by the science behind medicine, fascinated by the mechanism of drugs, and motivated by the prestige and rewarding profession of a health care professional, I have chosen medical field to restart my career. I wanted to be a medical doctor, a dentist, or a pharmacist, so I majored in Chemistry.…
As Barack Obama said, “America’s nurses are the beating heart of our medical system.” All people, at one time or another in their lives, have known the care and the skill that nurses offer. In hours of need, in moments where people are most vulnerable, and most worried, nurses are there, doing difficult and lifesaving work. As a result of growing population, the needs of nurse practitioners and anesthetists are also increasing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “there is general growth in all aspects of nursing industry, and there is a twenty-five percent projected increase in the number of nursing jobs over the next ten years” (Nursing School Programs). Even though nurse practitioners and nurse anesthetists differ in many way…
Many individuals are completely unaware of the variety of job opportunities that a pharmacist has. Unfortunately, pharmacists are sometimes seen as “peel and stick” workers, and do not get enough credit for the tasks that they complete behind the scenes. Whether a health-system pharmacist, community pharmacist, federal pharmacist, or pharmacy director they all play an imperative role in the health of a patient. There are a many opportunities for a 21st century pharmacist in the health care system. And, in my opinion, these opportunities are only going to grow more and more in the next few years.…
Within this assignment it is intended to present an example of a prescribing situation that arose in practice, to ensure prescribing issues are illustrated. The rationale for the decisions reached will also be discussed. A brief overview of the nurse prescribing initiative and how it developed will be addressed. The importance of ethical principles, accountability and legal issues that surround nurse prescribing will be demonstrated. As a patient will be addressed in the example, a pseudonym will be used.…
References: Cutting,K. White,R. Edmunds,M. (2007) The safety and efficacy of dressings with silver- addressing clinical concerns. International Wound Journal.4 p.177-184…
Doctors and nurses both make a huge difference in our lives. Even though they are very different one would not be able to function without the other. Most people think that nurses are just doctors who don’t get paid as much or doctors can easily do a nurses job if they wanted to. They receive different schooling, they work together but their individual jobs are different, and their salaries are very different. But they both work to service you and keep us healthy.…