the gate to the poor, women, and even slaves to challenge confines on their own liberty by declaring that every person has natural rights that no government may infringe. Republicanism and liberalism would someday come to be alternate senses of liberty. However, these logics of thought crossed and often supported each other. Both political viewpoints could stimulate a promise to constitutional government and checks on tyrannical rule. Both accentuated the security of property as a basis of liberty. Both mores were brought to eighteenth-century America. Notions of freedom introduced from Britain to the colonies would in time help to split the empire.
the gate to the poor, women, and even slaves to challenge confines on their own liberty by declaring that every person has natural rights that no government may infringe. Republicanism and liberalism would someday come to be alternate senses of liberty. However, these logics of thought crossed and often supported each other. Both political viewpoints could stimulate a promise to constitutional government and checks on tyrannical rule. Both accentuated the security of property as a basis of liberty. Both mores were brought to eighteenth-century America. Notions of freedom introduced from Britain to the colonies would in time help to split the empire.