Four Yogic Paths and Jainism Worksheet
Complete the table by comparing the forms of Hinduism and contrasting them with Jainism.
| |Jnana Yoga |Karma Yoga |Bhakti Yoga |Raja Yoga |Jainism |
| |God's grace. |Actions are fate, |Dedicated, devoted |Monarch or princely |Literally Jina means |
| | |destiny. | |ruler, The female |conqueror, one who has |
|Explain the Meaning| | | |form, the word for |conquered the worldly |
|of the Name | | …show more content…
| |"queen", Arabic |passions like desire, |
| | | | |meaning is "hope". |hatred, anger, greed, |
| | | | | |pride, etc. by one's own |
| | | | | |strenuous efforts and has|
| | | | | |been liberated himself |
| | | | | |from the bonds of worldly|
| | | | | |existence, the cycle of |
| | | | | |births and deaths. |
| |The path of wisdom and|The path of selfless |The path of love and|The path of self |‘universal equality |
| |knowledge. The jnani |service. For the |devotion. The bhakta|control and self |of the identical and |
|Explain the Basic |uses his will and |karma yogi, the main |uses the combined |mastery. The raja |innate spirituality |
|Concepts |power of |problem is our |energies of all |yogi controls his |of all that exists. |
| |discrimination to cut |inherent selfishness |emotions and |mind until it |comprehensively |
| |through the veil of |which is based on |transmutes them, |becomes perfectly |that nature is |
| |ignorance and attain |spiritual ignorance, |sublimates them into|still at which time |united in cosmic |
| |the truth. |avidya. The key is to|the highest of all |there are no more |kinship, a brotherhood, a|
| | |practice selfless |emotions: prem. |walls between |Oneness of man |
| | |actions without any | |himself and his own |and sun, of gnat |
| | |selfish expectations,| |divine nature. |and burgeoning tree.’ |
| | |and thereby opening | | | |
| | |one's heart and | | | |
| | |seeing God in all | | | |
| | |beings. | | | |
| |Jnana (sometimes |The true follower of |It involves |The central teaching|Jainism lays down certain|
| |written gyana) is |the karma path acts |surrendering oneself|of raja is |ethical standards, which |
|Describe the |considered the most |without thought of |to the Divine |meditation.
While |are duly graded for |
|Practices |difficult path, |gain or reward. Karma|through prayer, |meditation teaches |the uplift of the |
| |because it requires a |achieves union with |worship, and ritual.|control of the mind,|individual as a social |
| |radical shift in |God through right |Bhakti means" to |hatha teaches |being. As long as he |
| |perception. The goal |action and selfless |serve the Divine." |control of the body.|lives as a |
| |is to seek the |service. Karma yoga |Chanting or singing |Hatha uses asanas |member of society, he |
| |knowledge hidden in |is a yoga you take |the praises of |(postures), |owes a good deal to the
| |all of us through |inside of you and |whatever divine |pranayama (control |society in which he is |
| |questioning, |make a way of life. |presence is |of breath), and |living in addition to |
| |meditation, and | |meaningful to you |relaxation to |what he owes to himself |
| |contemplation. The | |form a substantial |control the physical|for his spiritual |
| |jnana student uses the| |part of bhakti yoga.|body and the subtle |betterment. |
| |mind to explore his or| | |life force called |But if he relinquishes |
| |her own nature and to | | |prana. |the world and leads the |
| |find knowledge through| | | |life of an ascetic, his |
| |God. | | | |ties |
| | | | | |with society and his |
| | | | | |responsibilities towards |
| | | | | |it are considerably |
| | | | | |reduced. |
| | | | | |In Jainism, the duties of|
| | | | | |a householder are, in |
| | | | | |miniature, the same as |
| | | | | |those of a monk. A |
| | | | | |householder, while duly |
| | | | | |carrying out his |
| | | | | |household |
| | | | | |duties, rises steadily to|
| | | | | |the status of a monk. |
| |For the jnani, the |For the karma yogi, |For the bhakta, or |the goal is perfect |The Jain goal is to |
| |goal is absolute Truth|the goal is complete |devotee, the goal is|mind |attain a liberated state |
|Describe the Goals | |selflessness |pure love | |completely free from |
| | | | | |effects of karma and that|
| | | | | |is not possible at |
| | | | | |present in one human |
| | | | | |life. |
The differences between Hinduism and Jainism There are so many similarities between Jainism and the Hinduism; people would think that they were one in the same. However, if we compare and contrast between Jainism and Hinduism the differences are very great.
The Hindus have sacred books such as Smrtis, Vedas, and Puranas. These books are not recognized by the Jainas. Hindus do not recognize even a single scripture of the Jainas doctrine.
Origin of the world
The Hindus believe that they were made by a creator. The Jainas regard the world as eternal.
Objects of worship
Hinduism worship many different forms of one God. They believe that the creator is the ruler of the world. In Jainism, there is no worship offered to an eternal and eternally pure God. They offer worship to the great ones who have realized their high ideal and attained Godhood for themselves
Purpose of worship In Jainism, do not offer food, nor is a prayer made to the deity for boons. On the other hand, in Hinduism the attainment of the desired object is by the will of certain divine beings that are to be propitiated.
Practice of sacrifices As Hinduism is a sacrificial religion, the performance of several sacrifices for a variety of reasons and for different duration has got an important place in it. This is not the case with Jainism and especially the animal sacrifices practiced by the Hindus have absolutely no place in Jainism.
Attainment of Salvation While the Hindus believe that Gods alone can attain salvation, the Jainas consider that it is the right of human beings only.
Path of salvation The path of salvation prescribed by Jainism is only one and it is known as Ratnatraya-marga, i.e., the threefold path of Right Belief, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct, which is to be simultaneously pursued by all persons. But in Hinduism, there is no prescription of one single, definite and clear path of salvation. Instead, in Hinduism different ways have been laid down for the attainment of salvation by various religious preachers in different periods of time.