Four Yogic Paths and Jainism Worksheet
comparing the forms of Hinduism and contrasting them with Jainism.
| |Jnana Yoga |Karma Yoga |Bhakti Yoga |Raja Yoga |Jainism |
| |Jnana Yoga or Yoga of |Karma Yoga or Yoga of |Yoga of Devotion |A Raja Yogi sees the |The Jainist believes that |
| |the Mind |Service |Bhakti Yoga is the |self as central, and as |the universe is in layers |
|Explain the |Jnana Yoga is the path |Karma Yoga is the path|path most followed …show more content…
Bhakti |If you wish to learn |Reincarnation continues |
| |to unify the two to |choosing a future that|Yoga teaches a person |discipline, then Raja |until a being achieves |
| |surpass limitations. |is free from |to have devotion to |Yoga would perfectly |enlightenment. The |
| |Since they wish to gain |negativity and |the "One" or to Brahma|suit that need. |followers of Jainas are |
| |knowledge, they are open|selfishness. Karma |by developing a | |vegetarians and do not eat |
| |to other philosophies |Yogis change their |person 's love and | |root vegetables. They try |
| |and religion for they |attitude towards the |acceptance for all | |to pass through four stages|
| |believe that an open and|good and in the |things. | |in their lifetimes; |
| |rational mind is crucial|process, change their | | |student, family member,