Four Yogic Paths and Jainism Worksheet
comparing the forms of Hinduism and contrasting them with Jainism.
| |Jnana Yoga |Karma Yoga |Bhakti Yoga |Raja Yoga |Jainism |
| |Jnana Yoga or Yoga of |Karma Yoga or Yoga of |Yoga of Devotion |A Raja Yogi sees the |The Jainist believes that |
| |the Mind |Service |Bhakti Yoga is the |self as central, and as |the universe is in layers |
|Explain the |Jnana Yoga is the path |Karma Yoga is the path|path most followed …show more content…
in |such, respect to oneself|with no beginning and no |
|Meaning of the |of Yoga that basically |of service for in this|India. This is the |and for all creation are|end. Some layers are |
|Name |deals with the mind, and|path, it is believed |path of the heart and |vital to this path. They|heavens, some are hells. |
| |as such, it focuses on |that your present |devotion. Yogis who |achieve self-respect by |Karma and its accumulated |
| |man 's intelligence. |situation is based on |practice this branch |first learning to be |evil deeds (all karma is |
| |Jnana Yogis consider |your past actions. So |sees the "One" or the |masters of themselves. |bad) keeps everyone bound |
| |wisdom and intellect as |by doing selfless |Divine in everyone and| |within the universe. |
| |important and they aim |service now, you are |everything.
Bhakti |If you wish to learn |Reincarnation continues |
| |to unify the two to |choosing a future that|Yoga teaches a person |discipline, then Raja |until a being achieves |
| |surpass limitations. |is free from |to have devotion to |Yoga would perfectly |enlightenment. The |
| |Since they wish to gain |negativity and |the "One" or to Brahma|suit that need. |followers of Jainas are |
| |knowledge, they are open|selfishness. Karma |by developing a | |vegetarians and do not eat |
| |to other philosophies |Yogis change their |person 's love and | |root vegetables. They try |
| |and religion for they |attitude towards the |acceptance for all | |to pass through four stages|
| |believe that an open and|good and in the |things. | |in their lifetimes; |
| |rational mind is crucial|process, change their | | |student, family member,
| |in knowing the spirit. |souls, which leads to | | |social being and life as a |
| | |a change in their | | |monk where they renounce |
| | |destiny. | | |all. |
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| |While Jnana Yoga deals |Nobody can live in a |All people will |Focus the mind, which is|It is serenity. This is |
| |with knowledge, wisdom, |body and the world |experience emotions |the “king” of one 's |regarding the creation and |
|Explain the |introspection and |without doing actions.|such as love, |psycho-physical |how it balances each and |
|Basic Concepts |contemplation, everybody|Even a renunciate |compassion, and |structure. Since the |every one of it. |
| |has a mind and at some |living in a Himalayan |devotion at points |whole body is | |
| |point will need to |cave has to do some |along the journey, |interconnected with each| |
| |examine it, wherein |form of actions, and |regardless of which of|other, with the mind | |
| |quiet reflection |thus, some degree of |the four paths of Yoga|ruling one 's every | |
| |naturally comes. |Karma Yoga is |is predominant. |thought and action, | |
| | |essential. | |practicing hatha yoga | |
| | | | |will be an essential | |
| | | | |first step to prepare | |
| | | | |oneself in yoga | |
| | | | |meditation. Furthermore,| |
| | | | |other forms of | |
| | | | |self-discipline and | |
| | | | |purification of the | |
| | | | |physical self also | |
| | | | |includes getting rid of | |
| | | | |old addictions such as | |
| | | | |alcohol and cigarettes, | |
| | | | |and paying close | |
| | | | |attention to your | |
| | | | |actions, thoughts, and | |
| | | | |speech. Through | |
| | | | |practicing all these, | |
| | | | |one can be fit to engage| |
| | | | |in a deeper form of | |
| | | | |yoga, which is | |
| | | | |meditation. | |
| |As an aspect of yoga, |Expressions of |Karma yoga is directed|The objective of Raja |Jainism does not belief in |
| |jnana is an |selfless love and |towards God as a |Yoga is to control all |the creator of god. Jainism|
|Describe the |introspective path that |experiences of the |selfless service to |forms of thought-waves |acknowledge a three |
|Practices |invites you to |nature of God as love |God. In doing this, |and mental |tier universe(upper, |
| |contemplate knowledge |are all part of the |the “heart becomes |modifications. It starts|middle, and lower world) |
| |and wisdom about the |bhakti path. Praising |pure” and we lose our |its Sadhana with the |The universe is eternal and|
| |nature of being. During |the divine through |ego. |mind, and may also |indestructible. |
| |meditation the yogi |repeated singing or | |involve minimum asanas |Jains uphold these |
| |"uses his mind to |chanting mantras is | |and pranayamas. |principles by practicing |
| |inquire into its own |one action of bhakti. | | |vegetarianism, non-violence|
| |nature," according to | | | |in thought, deed, and |
| |Sivananda. For example, | | | |action. |
| |meditating on a phrase | | | | |
| |such as "That thou art" | | | | |
| |is an example of jnana, | | | | |
| |according to the | | | | |
| |Meditation Society of | | | | |
| |America | | | | |
| |In jnana meditation |Through bhakti |If this is done over |Raja Yoga, literally |The three principles of |
| |exercises, the yogi aims|meditation, the |and over (even over |means Royal or Kingly |Jainism are to be right in |
|Describe the |to achieve mental focus,|practitioner focuses |several lifetimes) the|Yoga, is the system of |your faith, right in your |
|Goals |mental strength and an |his desire for love on|person is said to |yoga by Patanjali in his|knowledge and right in your|
| |awareness of his true |the nature of the |become one with God. |Yoga Sutras. It is |actions. Jains are |
| |nature. His end aim is |divine, and the divine| |primarily concerned with|nonviolent, strive to avoid|
| |to realize his oneness |becomes the | |the cultivation of the |lying and stealing. They |
| |with the universe. |practitioner 's | |mind and bringing |are monogamous and eschew |
| | |"beloved." Some bhakti| |balance to one 's life |excessive material |
| | |practitioners focus | |through meditation or |possessions. |
| | |the meditation on a | |focusing directly to the| |
| | |guru, saint or | |Lord. | |
| | |divinity such as Radha| | | |
| | |Krishna to help them | | | |
| | |achieve the state of | | | |
| | |bliss associated with | | | |
| | |this path. | | | |
Write a 200- to 300-word explanation of the differences between Hinduism and Jainism.
Hinduism has no known or recognized originator and is believed to be the oldest major religion. Jainism (also known as Jain Dharma) follows Jainas or saints who have rediscovered the dharma (one’s personal calling). Unlike Hinduism, Jainism is not only religious, but is also philosophical (Shah, 1996).. It is believed that Jainism dates from the 9th century BC. Hindus don’t accept the scriptures of the Jainas, and the Jainas do not accept the sacred books of the Hindus (Shah, 1996).. Hindus believe in a creator of the world, and the Jainas believe the world to be always existing. The Jainas do not worship a god, while Hindus worship many forms of a single God. Hindus offer animal sacrifices, the Jainas do not. Hindus believe that salvation is reserved for the Gods, and the Jainas believe it is the right of human beings (Shah, 1996).. Hindus have many paths to righteousness, while the Jainas have only one. Jains believe that karma is a form of matter that sticks to the soul and Hindus see it as a power (Shah, 1996).. In death, the Hindu enjoys eternal happiness in heaven; the Jainas believe the soul sits at the top of the universe. They don’t agree on religious practices (even going so far as to call the other’s “stupid customs”) (Jainism and Other Religions, 2010).
References Shah, A. (1996). Jain Study Guide. Detroit, Michigan: Jain Society of Greater Detroit.