Four Yogic Paths and Jainism Worksheet
Complete the table by comparing the forms of Hinduism and contrasting them with Jainism.
| |Jnana Yoga |Karma Yoga |Bhakti Yoga |Raja Yoga |Jainism |
| |Jnana yoga, as |Karma Yoga is |Bhakti Yoga or |Raja Yoga or “Royal | |
| |defined by Molly and |described by Molloy |“Devotion Yoga” |Yoga” | |
|Explain the Meaning |Hilgers is “Knowledge|and Hilgers (2010) as| | | |
|of the Name |Yoga” (2010) |“Action Yoga” | | | |
| | | | | | |
| |Jnana Yoga is |This type of yoga |Bhakti means devotion|The promotion of | |
| |“learning insight |focus is to do things|to the Lord. One need|meditation is one of | |
|Explain the Basic |into one’s divine |“unselfishly” to |only surrender all |the main concept on | |
|Concepts |nature by studying |reach the path to |doubts, fears, and |this particular style | |
| |Upanishads and the |perfection. |worries and express | | |
| |Bhagavad Gita and by |According to Molloy |genuine love and | | |
| |learning from other |and Hilgers (2010) |devotion to the | | |
| |teachers who have |“The spiritual