The Darkness within the Soul
“The Minister’s Black Veil” and “Young Goodman Brown” are short stories written by American Writer Hawthorne Nathaniel. The two stories took place in the Puritan New England in the 17th century. Hawthorne in his work addressed all the Puritan/Calvinist believes which advocated the existence of humanity in a depravity state where all those who were born in a grace state were exempted. Both stories “The Minister’s Black Veil” and “Young Goodman Brown” fit into American dark romanticism. These two stories show how the studies of Hawthorne of evil coincided so much with his religion studies especially the Puritanism which was highly practiced by all of his ancestors in Salem in the 17th century.
Romanticism was an intellectual artistic movement which was known to have begun in the late 18th …show more content…
In both the stories, there is a very clear resemblance that the two stories have a very dark and a gloomy setting as they could be easily be interpreted as from being in the same place or town, which is opposed to sin, very religious, and the surroundings and atmosphere gives a dark touch to the stories. In “The Minister’s Black Veil” story mainly focused on the congregation reaction to the black veil where Hawthorne used all of their reactions as a Puritan Image critique of the original sin (Hawthorne, 374). He used the Veil to represent the inherent sinful nature of people. The main character of the story is a person who is deeply tormented by his sin. In “Young Goodman Brown”, the main character is a man who is lured to sin on behalf of the devil. Both of the main characters of the two stories despite the dark and gloomy setting, they do not give in evil despite them having experiences brought about by the powerful prevalence of