“Compare and contrast the UK Education System to a country of your choice.”
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 2
II. Complusory education 2
III. Tertiary Education 3
IV. Investment in education 3
V. Social Economic divide 3
VI. Accountability 3
VII. Conclusion 4
I. Introduction
The comparison between the UK’s education system and South Korea’s education system are immediately clear once examination of the OECD league table is complete. The UK is in 6th position whilst South Korea is number 1 in the world. During the leagues history the UK has always been ahead of South Korea. However the recent change within South Korea’s political leadership in …. South Korea’s priorities and requirements have implemented change that has benefited the country’s ranking in the world of education. The UK has been on the leading edge of the worldwide crusade for better standards in education, the legal system and the economy. To be number one in the world has been the driving force throughout the history of the United Kingdom. However South Korea is undergoing massive change and development along with its pan Asian counterparts who are now serious competitors in the world’s economy. This essay will compare and contrast the two systems and identify factors which have enabled this dramatic turn of events.
II. Complusory education
The history of education within the UK has undergone several reforms especially since the end of the First and Second World War. In 1918 the compulsory school age was 5-14 years old. In 1947, the requirement for educated workforces saw the compulsory leaving age change to 15 and by 1973 until present the school leaving age is 16. These changes were done in the hope that the economy will benefit from educated school leavers. Unfortunately, during the 1960’s the government recognized that the majority of school leavers were underachievers. 41% of the population of the UK enrolled in Higher education (OECD, et al 2010). With 37% of
References: Education Finance, 2014. System and School Organization , South Korea: NCEE.org. Feinstein, 2003. s.l.:s.n. Jensen, B., 2012. Catching Up: Learning from the Best School System in East Asian. Melbourne Grattan Institue . Machin, G. &., 2005. s.l.:s.n. OECD, 2010. s.l.: s.n. Song, J.-a., 2013. South Korea pays heavy price for education. [Online] Available at: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8254ec70-2efe-11e3-9e14-00144feab7de.html#axzz3Ld3Xvdqu [Accessed 11 December 2014]. West & Pennell , 1999. s.l.:s.n.